Fifteen years and counting: celebrating our latest ISO 9001 achievement

Urban Design and Building Services (UDBS) recently underwent its three-year assessment for ISO 9001. We’re delighted to have retained the quality management registration for all areas of our activity – for the fifteenth year in a row.

Thank you to our team for their commitment to high quality, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement, which this standard represents.

About ISO standards

The letters ISO stand for International Organization for Standardization. The ISO 9000 family is ISO’s set of globally recognised quality management systems.

ISO 9001 is the standard that shows an organisation is meeting all its statutory and regulatory requirements to give its customers consistently high-quality goods and services.

It looks at several quality management principles, including customer focus, process approach, evidence-based decision making, and continual improvement. All things that we strive for here at UDBS.

UDBS and ISO 9001

UDBS’ work involves designing and maintaining buildings for our public-sector clients: buildings that are used, trusted and appreciated by people every day. So maintaining an effective quality management system is vital to everything we do. In order to deliver our services in the best way possible, we must constantly analyse our processes and challenge ourselves to continually drive up standards.

We first achieved ISO 9001 registration in 2009. Our commitment to retaining it through the following decade and a half has resulted in many improvements to our service delivery. We have a surveillance visit every year from the Centre for Assessment (CfA) – a national provider of accreditation and certification for UK organisations. We also have a full assessment every three years, which is the process we have just undergone (June 2024).

Following their stringent assessment of all areas of UDBS activity, the CfA assessor was happy that UDBS continues to have a thorough and effective quality management system, supported by our clearly defined systems.

And so we are delighted to have retained ISO 9001 registration for the fifteenth year running.

World-class approach

Luke Dove is Assistant Director – Property, Strategic Assets and Land. He said: “Securing ISO 9001 registration means an organisation has been held to and met extremely high standards of quality management. Retaining the registration for fifteen years is an amazing achievement. We have embedded into UDBS an ongoing commitment to high quality, customer satisfaction and continuous improvement – and I am so proud of the whole team for demonstrating it during this most recent independent assessment.

“UDBS’ hard work and commitment have been recognised by a global standard, and Sandwell Council and our external clients can continue to be reassured of our world-class approach to delivering their services.”
